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About Raaz

Religious activist: (missions)
  • Rights for the innocents; ( Animals, human and Mother Earth rights & protecting )
Religious background: ( Allah - Shakti - Shivohum - Christ - Shirdi Sai )
I am Raaz, the one who is capable of taking a challenge to answer questions from both believers and unbelievers. Not only to answer questions, but even to help where necessary and where it can.

Would you like to ask something in private? Please feel free to email at:

Raaz also online at:



Religieuze Activist: (taken en doelen)
  • Recht voor de onschuldige; (dieren, mensen en Moederaarde)
Religieuze achtergrond: ( Allah - Shakti -  Shivohum - Christ - Shirdi Sai )
Ik ben Raaz, degene die in staat is om een uitdaging aan te nemen, om vragen van zowel gelovigen als ongelovige te beantwoorden. Niet alleen vragen te beantwoorden, maar zelfs te helpen waar nodig en waar het kan.

Wilt u graag iets bespreekbaar maken, of vragen? Aarzel dan niet om te mailen naar:
Raaz ook actief op Facebook:


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RAAZ RELIGIOUS ACTIVIST ABOUT THE DISRESPECTFUL VIDEO OF GODDESS KALI   O, BELIEVERS OF GOD O, FIGHTERS OF JUSTICE O, DEVI BHAKTAS       Someone has uploaded a scene on YouTube, in which they command Goddess Kali : Natraj to dance. This is something we can't accept! 💔  Please friends report this video on YouTube; 1. Go on the link: 2. Click on more 3. Report       SHARE THIS POST! Let us reach much people! We need to be clear to avoid misunderstanding. Because; even Shiva not ask Kali to dance, so who is this Kafir American who act like Mahishasur and demand Kali to dance?     And why is Adsense allowing this video for Ads?   Someone like the maker of this movie; we call a "Kafir" If Youtube will not delete the scene, then we will start a worldwide petition!

Are Hindus busy with Idol worshipping?

Explanation and reply for the people, who said that Hindus are busy with Idol worshipping!   Raaz explained his story, he said: As you all know, I am a Syed from my father and Brahmin from my mother. It's my plight to speak justice for both and from both. We (I, Raaz, as a Brahmin) can't accept the sayings like: "Destroy that idol of your god" "You are not worshipping god, but an idol" I, Raaz, greet the Murati rupa when I see it, pure from love and respect, another word for worshipping is love and respect. My Mother and my family and other Hindus are worhshipping them, hands in one and in front of the Godly Murati Rupas. How do you dare to take away their most lovely visible thing? It's better if you don't dare! A murati:pratima is not a voodoo doll, it's a murat made up of the description of Shiva, Durga and Vishnu. Like Shiva. We don't feed the Godly murati's with flesh or blood, so it's nothing of Evil. ( Dur